Showing posts with label Indoors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indoors. Show all posts

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Growing Indoors With A Hydroponics Growing Systems

!±8± Growing Indoors With A Hydroponics Growing Systems

Growing indoors with a hydroponics growing system is as enjoyable and rewarding as the weekend gardening enthusiast who cultivates the soil and care for there plants then can reap the end results of there fruits.

A hydroponics growing systems consists of growing plants in nutrient solutions without the use of soil.

Hydroponic growing of plants began in the 1930s as an extension of the culture techniques used by plant horticulturists in plant nutrition experiments.

More recent successful methods of hydroponic growing differ in but have two common features:

o Nutrients are supplied in liquid solutions;

o Plants are supported by porous material, such as peat, sand, gravel, or rock wool, that serves as a "wick" in supplying the nutrient solution from its source to the roots of the plant.

Even a outdoor garden can be built and maintained using hydroponics, but the results may not be the same as growing indoors with a hydroponics growing system.

With indoor hydroponics growing systems you are the master who starts plants from a seedlings, or clone to vegetation and when you want to flower your plants.

You control the elements like a parent raising there kids from providing nutrients, light and a healthy insect free Growing indoors with a hydroponics growing system is as enjoyable and rewarding as the weekend gardening enthusiast who cultivates the soil and care for there plants then can reap the end results of there fruits.

The beauty of indoor growing is you can grow any plant, or vegetable you like without the concern of the growing season for the plant as compared to growing outdoors where there are specific times of the year to grow and flower your crop.

The most popular basic types of hydroponics growing systems are the Ebb and Flow(flood and drain) and the Raft system which are explained below with a more sophisticated system known as the aeroponics system.

Ebb And Flow System:

Ebb and Flow hydroponic growing systems are about the best I have used. The plants grow strong and vigorous, can be spaced closer together and a variety of crops can be grown at the same time.

The ebb and flow can be either of a bed design or can use pots, 5 gallon containers for plants that grow tall and have large root systems.

The system functions as flood and drain..hence the the ebb and flow was born.

Timers are used to regulate the feeding cycles at pre designated intervals which raises nutrients to the top of the grow box, or pots for a certain length of time then drains back to the reservoir drawing in rich oxygen to the roots, removing stale air while the plants are fed and the medium is kept in a moist state until the next cycle.

Raft System:

The Raft systems are probably the most basic form of hydroponics growing systems available. The way they function is fairly simple to understand. The roots of the plants are constantly submerged under water and a pump is used with an air stone to provide aeration.

These hydroponics growing systems consist of grow lights, reservoirs, timers, pumps etc.. which can be home made or purchased at a hydroponics store.

Gardening with a hydroponics growing systems can be as rewarding to the indoor gardener as the rake and shovel is to the outdoor gardener.

If you are a person who enjoys watching things grow with rewarding end results you can see more on how these systems work and how to build one at my web site...then you can consider the benefits of hydroponics growing systems. for your plants to thrive and grow to maturity.

Growing Indoors With A Hydroponics Growing Systems

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Gardening Indoors With an Aeroponic Gardening System

!±8± Gardening Indoors With an Aeroponic Gardening System

Aeroponic indoor gardening is a great way for a home gardener, beginner or experienced, to garden through the winter months in areas with climate conditions that limit there growing season, or when limited space is a problem. Plants, flower, herb or vegetable, grown by organic methods are a very rewarding method of gardening. Gardening naturally and in harmony with nature, not only can produce thriving crops, it also has a big impact on improving the health of our environment.

Healthy and environment friendly makes this method a great choice for indoors. Size is another great feature, this method can be small enough to produce crops on your kitchen counter without interrupting space you need for your everyday needs. Herbs and crops for salad that you use for your everyday kitchen needs can be grown fresh, along with being readily available for you need them the most.

A method of growing plants without soil and chemical fertilizers, organic nutrients are feed directly to the plants root system, with a water solution full of beneficial nutrition, by a continuously misting or in a controlled environment to prevent the plant roots from drying out. Not having soil to grow in is also a benefit in preventing plant disease and unwanted pests. Both disease and pets can harbor, along with grow in soil. This makes aeroponics a more sterile method of growing your plants, especially indoors.

Knowing you are growing crops that are healthy for both you and the environment is a very rewarding feeling by itself.

Gardening Indoors With an Aeroponic Gardening System

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